Klaipėda Container Terminal (KCT) contributes to the activities of the Fund of the Future of Klaipėda University

Vaidotas Šileika, the director of KCT, and Vytautas Adomaitis, the director of Fund of the Future of Klaipėda University, signed a cooperation agreement. The KCT allocated a significant support for the development of the activities of the Fund.

“We believe that by being united with the academic community, we will contribute to the all around progress of Klaipėda University,” says V. Šileika.

KCT has been actively cooperating with KU and other educational institutions of the Western region for several years, training the specialists for work at the port and creating technological innovations for port companies.  At the same time, KCT specialists are willing to share the knowledge and experience that they acquired by giving lectures to students, who plan their career in Klaipėda State Seaport. And for those who want to get acquainted with the activities of the container terminal, ro-ro and general cargo terminals from up close, open days are organized, there is also a possibility to do an internship at the company.

“We are happy to join the initiative of the Fund of the Future of Klaipėda University. As a sustainable and socially responsible business, we see the meaningful and long-term benefits of investing in the knowledge and progress of the scientific community of port city. By combining the efforts of business and the Foundation, we can purposefully develop the competencies and abilities of specialists that are currently relevant and important in port operations and shipping, as well as attract talented lecturers and scientists, and contribute to various research and projects. We understand the importance of quality studies.” says the head of KCT.

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