Sector Leaders 2020 are ranked based on financial indicators of 2019.
During the analysis, the companies operating in the sector are compared among themselves by evaluating 9 indicators: pre-tax profit, income, annual change of these both indicators, profitability, average salary, average number of employees, etc.
In 2019 KCT’s total cargo turnover amounted to 5.65 million tons, and was 15% higher than in previous years. 461 396 TEU were transhipped.
During the first three quarters of this year, KCT terminals transhipped 4.2 million tons of cargo – 1% more than over the same period last year.
Due to the impact of COVID19 on the global economy, container traffic has declined slightly, but it is expected that container traffic will pick up the pace in the last quarter of the year.
During the period of January – September 318 710 TEU were transhipped, which amounts to 65% of all containers passing through the Port of Klaipėda.
You can read the full publication about this nomination here.
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