KCT became TT-Line’s partner to establish a ro-ro line between Trelleborg harbour in Sweden and Klaipeda, Lithuania.
The two previous months were particularly intensive for KCT. During this short time, the company launched a modern ferry terminal, including a brand new office space, passenger hall, and a ro-ro loading area.
Equipped for shipping ro-ro and passengers, Marco Polo has three cargo decks. Its upper levels contain 78 passenger cabins as well as entertainment and relaxation areas. The total capacity of this TT-Line ferry is 140 ro-ro units and 215 passengers. Marco Polo will connect Klaipeda and Trelleborg three times per week, with a possibility to increase the frequency in the future.
Since launch of its operations in the port in 1994 as a ro-ro terminal, KCT has built a significant experience in serving cargoes, and now can share it with TT-Line.
“We have upgraded our facility to meet the standards of a modern Ro-Pax terminal and are committed to develop a premier service in partnership with TT-Line. Our port area has also the advantage of shifting truck traffic from the city centre to outskirts reducing the impact on residential areas “, affirms Vaidotas Šileika, CEO of Klaipeda Container Terminal.
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