“We are pleased that despite the pessimistic trends forecasted for 2022 due to the decrease in cargo flow, our managed terminal – Klaipėda Container Terminal, UAB (KKT) – has maintained high cargo handling indicators and increased the cargo handling curve in the general cargo segment by one third. This is a proof that the right performance management model, prompt reaction to the ongoing global market changes, digitalization of processes and efficiency improvement create new opportunities and ensure stable operations”, – says Ramunė Venslauskienė, Director of Klaipėdos terminalo grupė, UAB.
In 2022, Klaipėda Container Terminal managed by KT Group increased the general cargo cargo handling volumes by almost 30% to 899 thousand tonnes, while in the same period in 2021 the cargo handling volumes amounted to – 699 thousand tonnes. Container handling in 2022 was the same as in 2021, at 428 thousand TEU, while Ro-Ro volumes amounted to 652 thousand tonnes, i.e. 10% less than in 2021.
Another KT Group terminal, Malkų Įlankos Terminal, UAB (MĮT), saw an increase in cargo throughput of agricultural products and pellets, which rose by 10% to 686 thousand tonnes compared to the same period in 2021. The total cargo throughput at this terminal in 2022 was 1 million tonnes.
According to R.Venslauskienė, the terminals operated by KT Group have not relinquished one of the leading positions in the handling of cargo vessels in the Port of Klaipėda. In 2022, the Group’s terminals handled 1,311 cargo ships, which accounted for 31% of the total number of cargo ships arriving in the port, which last year reached 4,281. Meanwhile, in 2021, KT Group terminals handled 27% of the cargo ships calling at the port.
“In 2022, the infrastructure of the terminals operated by KT Group was upgraded, reconstructed, the quays were deepened, new, modern equipment was acquired for cargo handling, which resulted in the arrival of ships with a higher draught at our quays and faster servicing of these vessels,” shares R. Venslauskienė.
Although 2022 was a challenging year, the investment plan was successfully implemented at both terminals, with nearly EUR 12 million invested. Investments were directed towards improving the infrastructure of the terminals, expanding and reconstructing cargo storage yards, acquiring new and environmentally friendly cargo handling equipment, digitising processes, improving living conditions for employees and developing competences.
According to the KT Group CEO, the uncertain geopolitical situation affecting cargo flows remains the biggest challenge at the moment, but efficient processes and sustainable growth, improvement of service quality and employee welfare remain the priority for the terminals. The limited territory of the Port of Klaipėda, where the terminals operated by the Group are located, is also a challenge at the moment, which slows down the development opportunities, but does not diminish the ambition and plans to expand in the southern part of the port.
Klaipėda Terminal Group is a 100% Lithuanian-owned company that brings together companies providing specialised terminal operator, logistics, freight forwarding, ship agency and other services. In 2021, the Group’s audited consolidated revenues amounted to EUR 44.5 million.
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